Welcome to Cordelia's Farm

Home to Our Family for Seven Generations

Cordelia’s Farm is a working family farm located in Berlin, Massachusetts.  The Farm has been home to our family for 7 generations, and we have been farming here since the 1830s.  We specialize in the production of small fruit and vegetables, including blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, as well as corn, tomatoes and a large assortment of other vegetables.


The Veggies are Here

The vegetable crops are loving the warm weather, and are coming in fast.  We have corn, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, peppers, beans and so much more.

If you love fresh produce brought in straight from the field daily, now is the time to visit.



This year’s blueberry season is now in full swing.  We have picked pints and half pints available in the farm store, and pick your own has begun as well.

We are open daily for pick your own blueberries.

Visit our pick your own blueberries page for more season information.



The corn season has arrived!  We have bicolor available in the farm store, with yellow just days away, and white coming soon after.

Our hope is that the supply should remain steady throughout the season.  All the plantings are a bit early this year, so there may be a few gaps in the availability here and there, but in general the crop seems very happy and productive.


Summer Raspberries

This year’s summer raspberry crop has arrived and we are open for pick your own raspberries!  Picked pints and half pints are available in the farm store as well.

Pick your own raspberries may not be available every day, so we encourage everyone to give us a call (978-838-2942) for the most up to date information on picking conditions for raspberries.

Stop by our pick your own raspberry page for season details.

Pick Your Own Crops

Wondering when our pick your own crops will be available?
Check below.

Strawberries Start:


Blueberries Start:

July – Early August

Raspberries Start:

Summer Crop: Early July
Fall Crop: Early September

Flowers Start:

Mid July

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We Have Changed Our Name!

After several years of thought and research, we have decided to change the name of our farm.   Our new name was chosen in recognition of one of our ancestors, Cordelia Bigelow Hastings.  Over the course of this season, we will introduce you to Cordelia and the significant role she played in shaping the farm as we know it.

We are still the same farm, family and friendly staff you have come to know over the years.  All that is changing is the name, a change that will allow us to share with you our family’s story here in Berlin.

Learn more about Cordelia and why we changed the name over on our blog.